Privacy Policy

Effective September 3, 2024.

We want you to understand how and why ‘La Sirena Frida, Inc.’ (“SnapGo”, “we”, “us” or “our”) collects, uses, and shares information about the user (“you” or “your”) when you use our websites, and other online products and services (collectively, the "Services") or when you otherwise interact with us or receive a communication from us.

Your use of our Services, including any dispute concerning privacy, is subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. BY USING OUR SERVICES, YOU ARE ACCEPTING THIS PRIVACY POLICY AND OUR TERMS OF USE AND AUTHORIZING THE COLLECTION, USES AND DISCLOSURES SET FORTH HEREIN. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy or our Terms of Use, do not access or use the Services. This Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use expressly supersede prior agreements or arrangements with you.

Information You Provide Us

We collect information you provide to us directly when you use the Services. Situations in which you may provide us with information include but are not limited to:

Account information. To create an account, you must provide a full name, email and password. None of these are public. We also store your user account preferences and settings.

Content you create. We collect the content you create using the Services. This includes, but is not limited to, your group(s) and all information in the group, such as tags, categories, cards, and uploaded files. Your content may include text, images, links, and other file types. If you choose to provide us with information about any other individuals, you represent and warrant that you have permission to provide this information to us.

You agree to let us use and share the information you provide in order to provide the Services, to run our business (including for the purposes of internal business operations, analytics, and to provide, develop, change, market or optimize our services and products), and to communicate and market to you (directly or via third parties).

Information We Collect Automatically

If you link, connect, or login to the Services with a third party service (e.g. Apple, Google, Facebook), you direct the service to send us information such as your name and email as controlled by that service or as authorized by you via your privacy settings at that service.

In addition to any information that you choose to submit to us, we and the third parties we work with may use a variety of technologies that automatically (or passively) collect certain information whenever you use the Services. This information includes but is not limited to:

  • Geo-location information
  • Internet Protocol (IP) address
  • Information about your operating system and browser, such as its maker or version
  • The pages and content of our websites/screens that you view (including URL and screen name)
  • What information, content, or advertisements you view, hover over, or click on
  • Referral websites
  • Unique identifiers
  • Login information
  • Mobile device information, such as your telephone number, mobile device ID, the make, model, operating system, capacity and settings of your device

We and/or third parties we work with collect this information using technologies including but not limited to the following:

Cookies. We use cookies to collect, store and sometimes track information for statistical purposes to improve the services we provide. If you are a registered user for any Service, we will use a cookie to save your settings and to provide customizable and personalized services and information collected will be associated with your account. If you do not want information to be collected through the use of cookies, your browser and/or device may allow you to disable and/or control the use of cookies. We do not control the use of any cookies that are deposited on your computer when you visit third-party websites, and we expressly disclaim responsibility for information collected through them.

Embedded scripts. An embedded script is programming code that collects information about your use of and interactions with the Services.

Plug-Ins. We may use plug-ins, such as Facebook or Twitter. Each plug-in is the responsibility of the plug-in provider, and we have no control over the information that the respective provider collects through its plug-in or how that provider uses such information. If you are not yet a user of the provider or have not consented to having your data collected and used by that provider, you should not click on those plug-ins. If you are already a user of the plug-in provider, you should refer directly to the relevant provider for information on the kind of personal data that the provider collects and uses, and for what purposes.

By using our Services, you agree to let us use and share such information in order to provide the Services, to run our business (including for the purposes of internal business operations, analytics, and to provide, develop, change, market or optimize our services and products), and to communicate and market to you (directly or via third parties).

How We Use Information About You

We use information about you to:

  • Provide, maintain, and improve the Services;
  • Research and develop new services;
  • Help protect the safety of EggKat and our users, which includes blocking suspected spammers, addressing abuse, and enforcing the EggKat user agreement and our other policies;
  • Send you technical notices, updates, security alerts, other support and administrative messages;
  • Provide customer service;
  • Communicate with you about products, services, offers, promotions, and events, and provide other news and information we think will be of interest to you;
  • Monitor and analyze trends, usage, and activities in connection with our Services; and

How Information About You Is Shared

When you use the Services, certain information may be shared with other users. For example:

  • When you submit content (such as comments or creation of a new card) to the Services, all members of your group will be able to see the content you submitted.
  • When you share your group with other individuals using the auto generated invitation link, any individual who clicks on your invitation link will have access to all the content you submitted to the Services.
  • Please note that, even when you delete your account, the content you submitted through the Services may still be viewable or available on our servers.

Otherwise, we do not share, sell, or give away your personal information to third parties unless one of the following circumstances applies:

To comply with the law. We may share information in response to a request for information if we believe disclosure is in accordance with, or required by, any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, including, but not limited to, meeting national security or law enforcement requirements. To the extent the law allows it, we will attempt to provide you with prior notice before disclosing your information in response to such a request.

In an emergency. We may share information if we believe it's necessary to prevent imminent and serious bodily harm to a person.

To enforce our policies and rights. We may share information if we believe your actions are inconsistent with our user agreements, or other EggKat policies, or to protect the rights, property, and safety of ourselves and others.

With your consent. We may share information about you with your consent or at your direction.

Aggregated or de-identified information. We may share information about you that has been aggregated or anonymized such that it cannot reasonably be used to identify you. For example, we may show the total number of times a product has been ordered without identifying who the buyers or sellers were.

Analytics Partners

We use analytics partners (such as Google Analytics) to help analyze usage and traffic for our Services. As an example, we may use analytics partners to analyze and measure, in the aggregate, the number of unique visitors to our Services. These third parties may collect information sent by your computer, browser, or mobile device in response to a request for content, such as unique identifiers, your IP address, or other information about your computer or device.

Accessing and Changing Your Information

You can access and change certain information through the Services. You can also request a copy of the personal information EggKat maintains about you by emailing

Deleting Your Account

You may delete your account information at any time by emailing When you delete your account, access to the Services and all associated preferences will be deleted however any content previously submitted to the Services will persist and be visible to other users. We may also retain certain information about you as required by law or for legitimate business purposes after you delete your account.

Controlling the Use of Cookies

Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. If you prefer, you can usually choose to set your browser to remove or reject first- and third-party cookies. Please note that if you choose to remove or reject cookies, this could affect the availability and functionality of our Services.

Controlling Advertising and Analytics

Some analytics providers we partner with may provide specific opt-out mechanisms and we may provide, as needed and as available, additional tools and third-party services that allow you to better understand cookies and how you can opt-out. For example, you may manage the use and collection of certain information by Google Analytics here.

Do Not Track

Most modern web browsers give you the option to send a Do Not Track signal to the websites you visit, indicating that you do not wish to be tracked. However, there is no accepted standard for how a website should respond to this signal, and we do not take any action in response to this signal.

Controlling Mobile Notifications

With your consent, we may send push notifications or alerts to your mobile device. You can deactivate these messages at any time by changing the notification settings on your mobile device.

Controlling Mobile Location Information

If you initially consent to our collection of location information, you can subsequently stop the collection of this information at any time by changing the preferences on your mobile device.

Other Information Security

We take measures to help protect information about you from loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. For example, we use HTTPS while information is being transmitted. We also enforce technical and administrative access controls to limit which of our employees have access to non-public personal information.

Data Retention

We store the information we collect for as long as it is necessary for the purpose(s) for which we originally collected it. We may retain certain information for legitimate business purposes or as required by law.

International Data Transfers

We are based in the United States and we process and store information on servers located in the United States. We may store information on servers and equipment in other countries depending on a variety of factors, including the locations of our users and service providers. By accessing or using the Services or otherwise providing information to us, you consent to the processing, transfer and storage of information in and to the U.S. and other countries, where you may not have the same rights as you do under local law.


Children under the age of 13 are not allowed to create an account or otherwise use the Services unless granted permission from a parent or legal guardian. Additionally, if you are in the EEA, you must be over the age required by the laws of your country to create an account or otherwise use the Services, or we need to have obtained verifiable consent from your parent or legal guardian.

Changes to This Policy

We may make changes to our privacy policy from time to time. When we do so, we will post the revised privacy policy on our website. Please check the revision date at the top of this page to determine if the policy has been modified since you last reviewed it. The modified privacy policy will be effective immediately upon posting on the service. Your continued use of the Services after the posting of the modified privacy policy constitutes your agreement to abide and be bound by it. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. If you object to any modification, your sole recourse is to stop using the Services.

Contact Us

Please address comments or questions to us about this privacy policy via email to the following address:

Terms of Use

Effective November 16, 2020. Last Revised November 16, 2020

We at La Sirena Frida, Inc. hope you find the platform (“EggKat”) useful. By accessing or otherwise interacting with our servers, services, websites, or any associated content (together, "EggKat"), you agree to these Terms of Use ("TOU") (last updated November 16, 2020). You acknowledge and agree EggKat is a private site owned and operated by La Sirena Frida, Inc. If you are accessing or using EggKat on behalf of a business, you represent and warrant to EggKat that you have authority to accept the TOU on behalf of that business and that that business agrees to the TOU. If you do not agree to the TOU, you are not authorized to use EggKat. We may modify the TOU at any time in our sole discretion. You are responsible for periodically checking for changes and are bound by them if you continue to use EggKat. Our privacy policy, and all other policies, site rules, and agreements referenced below or on EggKat, are fully incorporated into this TOU, and you agree to them as well.


If you agree to the TOU and (1) are of sufficient age and capacity to use EggKat and be bound by the TOU, or (2) use EggKat on behalf of a business, thereby binding that business to the TOU, we grant you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable license to use EggKat in compliance with the TOU; unlicensed use is unauthorized. You agree not to display, "frame," make derivative works, distribute, license, or sell, content from EggKat, excluding pages you create. You grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, unlimited, worldwide, fully paid/sublicensable license to use, copy, display, distribute, and make derivative works from content you add and upload on order pages (“post”).


Use of Uploaded Photos for Marketing

By uploading photos to our Services, you give us permission to use these photos for marketing and promotional purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, displaying your photos on our website, in marketing emails, on social media platforms, and in other promotional materials.

Unless licensed by us in a separate written or electronic agreement, you agree not to use or provide software (except general purpose web browsers and email clients) or services that interact or interoperate with EggKat, e.g. for downloading, uploading, creating/accessing/using an account, posting, emailing, searching, or mobile use. You agree not to copy/collect EggKat content via robots, spiders, scripts, scrapers, crawlers, or any automated or manual equivalent (e.g., by hand). Misleading, unsolicited, and/or unlawful postings/communications/accounts are prohibited, as is buying or selling accounts. You agree not to abuse EggKat's flagging or reporting processes. You agree not to collect EggKat user information or interfere with EggKat. You agree we may moderate EggKat access/use in our sole discretion, e.g., by blocking, filtering, re-categorizing, re-ranking, deleting, delaying, holding, omitting, verifying, or terminating your access/license/account. You agree (1) not to bypass said moderation, (2) we are not liable for moderating or not moderating, and (3) nothing we say or do waives our right to moderate, or not. Unless licensed by us in a separate written or electronic agreement, you agree not to (i) rent, lease, sell, publish, distribute, license, sublicense, assign, transfer, or otherwise make available EggKat or our application programming interface ("API"), (ii) copy, adapt, create derivative works of, decompile, reverse engineer, translate, localize, port or modify the API, any website code, or any software used to provide EggKat, (iii) combine or integrate EggKat or the API with any software, technology, services, or materials not authorized by us, (iv) circumvent any functionality that controls access to or otherwise protects EggKat or the API, or (v) remove or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices. You agree not to use EggKat or the API in any manner or for any purpose that infringes, misappropriates, or otherwise violates any intellectual property right or other right of any person, or that violates any applicable law.


To the full extent permitted by law, La Sirena Frida, Inc., and its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, affiliates, and successors in interest ("EggKat Entities") (1) make no promises, warranties, or representations as to EggKat, including its completeness, accuracy, availability, timeliness, propriety, security or reliability; (2) provide EggKat on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis and any risk of using EggKat is assumed by you; (3) disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including as to accuracy, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, and all warranties arising from course of dealing, usage, or trade practice; and (4) disclaim any liability or responsibility for acts, omissions, or conduct of you or any party in connection with EggKat. EggKat Entities are NOT liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special, punitive, or other losses, including lost profits, revenues, data, goodwill, etc., arising from or related to EggKat, and in no event shall such liability exceed $10 or the amount you paid us in the year preceding such loss. Some jurisdictions restrict or alter these disclaimers and limits, so some may not apply to you.


Any claim, cause of action, demand, or dispute arising from or related to EggKat ("Claims") will be governed by the internal laws of Delaware, without regard to conflict of law provisions, except to the extent governed by US federal law. Any Claims will be exclusively resolved by courts in Wilmington, DE (except we may seek preliminary or injunctive relief anywhere). You agree to (1) submit to the personal jurisdiction of courts in Wilmington, DE; (2) indemnify and hold EggKat Entities harmless from any Claims, losses, liability, or expenses (including attorneys' fees) that arise from a third party and relate to your use of EggKat; and (3) be liable and responsible for any Claims we may have against your officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, or any other party, directly or indirectly, paid, directed or controlled by you, or acting for your benefit.


Unless you have entered into a separate written or electronic agreement with us that expressly references the TOU, this is the exclusive and entire agreement between us and you, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, both written and oral. Users complying with prior written licenses may access EggKat thereby until authorization is terminated. Our actions or silence toward you or anyone else does not waive, modify, or limit the TOU or our ability to enforce it. The USE, and CLAIMS & INDEMNITY sections survive termination of the TOU, and you will remain bound by those sections. If a TOU term is unenforceable, it shall be limited to the least extent possible and supplemented with a valid provision that best embodies the intent of the parties. The English version of the TOU controls over any translations.

Cookies Policy

Effective November 16, 2020. Last Revised November 16, 2020

Welcome to La Sirena Frida, Inc ("SnapGo", “Company”, “we”, “our”, “us”). This Cookies Policy explains how we use cookies and similar technologies on our website (the "Website"). By using our Website, you agree to the use of cookies as outlined in this policy.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device (computer, tablet, or mobile) when you visit a website. They help the website to remember your actions and preferences over a period of time, so you don’t have to re-enter them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.

Types of Cookies We Use

- **Strictly Necessary Cookies**: These cookies are essential for the operation of our Website. They enable you to navigate the site and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of the Website. - **Performance Cookies**: These cookies collect information about how visitors use our Website. This data helps us understand which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. - **Functionality Cookies**: These cookies allow our Website to remember choices you make (such as your username, language, or region) and provide enhanced, more personal features. - **Targeting/Advertising Cookies**: These cookies are used to deliver advertisements more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an ad and help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

How We Use Cookies

We use cookies to: - Improve the functionality and performance of our Website. - Analyze how our Website is being used and how it performs. - Remember user preferences and settings. - Deliver targeted advertisements and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Third-Party Cookies

We may also use third-party cookies from services such as Google Analytics to help analyze how users use the Website. The information generated by these cookies about your use of the Website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by third-party providers on their servers.

Managing Cookies

You have the right to decide whether to accept or reject cookies. You can set your browser to refuse all cookies or to alert you when a cookie is being sent. However, if you choose to refuse cookies, some parts of our Website may not function properly.

Changing Your Cookie Settings

Most web browsers allow control over cookies through the browser settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit

Updates to This Policy

We may update this Cookies Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. The updated version will be indicated by an updated "Effective Date" and will be effective as soon as it is accessible.